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We have compiled a database of all 650 sitting MPs at Westminster,

all elected by the People in the UK to represent their interests.
The story of 2020 has made it more than abundantly clear that the People's interests have not been represented and the elected MPs

- with few exceptions - have thus failed catastophically in their duty.

In particular, MPs have failed in their duty to hold the government to account, which is a key primary role of all elected MPs. 

Never before in living history has it been made so clear that our system of parliament has failed the country and each of it citizens.


The precise and documented reasons for this determination is provided elswhere on this site.  This particular section identifies each current elected MP with an accompanying view on the MP's conduct during 2020 centred on the most significant of topics of our time, that is Covid-19.


The views expressed in relation to each MP have largely been contributed by citizens of the UK, assessed and checked by ourselves before publishing.  As we state elsewhere, The People Council has absolutely no political bias - except that we place the interests of all citizens, equally and without discrimination, above all else. 
We are one nation.  We are one people. 

We are however totally critical of two key factors, being:

  1. The woeful performance of elected MPs
    in not fully representing the interests of their constituents

  2. The inadequacies of the current and outdated political system -
    a system clearly allowing the country to arrive at the situation it has     



The database is accessed below.

Each MP is identified by their name as published by parliament.
Their constituency is noted together with the party they are a member of.
If they hold a particular position, such as ministerial, then that is noted.

Video and audio clips relative to the MP are also included where available. 
A PDF document providing additional reading 

- expanding on the short summary introduction about each MP

Connections to other databases have been made available, including:

"MPs and Lords"
"They Work For You"

"How Did Your MP Vote"

There is an assessment score noted of each MPs' performance.

That assessment was published on 2 Dec 2019 by
It refers to the sitting MPs prior to the last General Election. 

It ranks every MP in ascending order of performance.
Our database notes that ranking against each MP's name.


Certain MPs have had a BLACK BALL icon attached to their database entry.

The BLACK BALL icon is explained on the page by that name.



The views and comments expressed in the database are those of the different contributors and are not necessarily views we wholly agree with.  The expressed views of The People Council are detailed and explained in a different section of this website. 


The database is presented as a LIVING document and is tabled for ongoing population and amendment.  Constituency members, citizens and other commentators resident in the UK are invited to offer their contributions to the LIVING database via the CONTACT page. 

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