The People Council Movement is set to promote a completely new beginning for a wide and deep collection of processes and behaviours in the way our country is governed and administered.
We want to both thank you and applaud you for your contibution to this Movement. Your donation makes you a stakeholder in the future of our country - a future where the long-term benefit of all its citizens is based upon TRUTH, FAIRNESS, JUSTICE and FREEDOM. These are the very values all of us have seen - since the beginning of 2020 - all too clearly being exposed for their lack and shallowness. Coupled with this exposure is the equally clear erosion of People's rights and freedoms - being compromised and increasingly restricted - in favour of an unrestrained
totalitarian form of government control - setting an agenda for an increasingly dark and uncertain future.
We the People of this land - irrespective of original origin, colour creed or denomination - are in this together for all those here now and all those yet to follow in our footsteps.
As a Stake Holder
you have invested in a step change in the political system
and a new future for this country