The principle of blackballing is explained as a rejection in a traditional form of secret ballot where - in such a ballot - a White Ball constitutes a vote in Support and a Black Ball signifies a vote in Opposition.
This system is typically used where a club's rules provide
that one or two objections
- rather than say at least 50% share of the vote -
are sufficient to defeat a proposition
This symbolism has been borrowed and is used here in connection with the database of MPs found within the section entitled YOUR MP.
If, in the assessment either by ourselves, or by our contributors, it has been found that there is clear and available evidence to suggest that a particular MP deserves to be awarded a BLACK BALL then a Black Ball is shown against their name - on the MP's listing - within the database.
This assessment is arrived at solely on the MP's performance during the time since 01Jan20 and refers ONLY to a member's performance in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. That assessment specifically includes two limbs and relates to how that member has gone about the business of properly representing their constituents in parliament by:
Holding the British government to account
in how it has handled all aspects of the apparent emergency
Making their own public enquiries into the story
by examining the background detail behind the Covid-19 topic
The Covid-19 pandemic - and the way in which the goverment has chosen to deal with it - is the single most important topic which the UK population - almost in entirety - has faced and endured - since the Second World War.
Many commentators - ourselves among them - have become exceptionally critical of the government, the individual members thereof and many hundreds of MPs in parliament, for allowing the story to develop in the way it has throughout 2020. The volume of conflicting evidence against the government's stated advice, views, strategy and not least the directives exercised on the British People - a good deal of which have been enforced through draconian methods - is to many an eye, overwhelming.
It is in part due to this volume of conflicting evidence, and not least the consequences which stem from the actions and non-actions of government, that this movement - The People Council - has come into being.
The movement has also come into being as a result of the chasms which the topic of Covid-19 has opened up in Westminster revealing the inadequacy of the UK's parliamentary system - a system which has, in many persons' view, declared itself outdated and thoroughly unfit for purpose.
Returning to the core of the matter and the specific criticisms of MPs.
The criticisms extend to every elected MP who - by definition - has held a uniquely privileged position in our society as an elected representative of their allocated constituency, BUT failed to act in their citizens' interests.
With the extensive research resources available to each MP - coupled to their ability and right of access to sensitive information from an array of sources - there is no excuse available to explain why those same MPs have not conducted themselves in a way which citizens of the UK have an unequivocable right to expect.
To further explain the criticism levelled at MPs we expand as follows.
Within the downloadable PDF document highlighted below, we list a number of facts and related questions. All MPs would reasonably be expected to seek out these apparent facts for themselves - on behalf of all their constituents - and to test those facts by asking the relevant parties indepth, detailed and searching questions. Those parties naturally include members of the sitting government, but include many more individuals and institutions - resident at home in the UK and also abroad.
Taking account of all the above, where a Black Ball has been allocated against an MP's name it indicates that the judgement is as follows:
That the MP has fallen short of expectation and thus is both undeserving and unworthy of remaining in office as an MP for the constituency they were previously elected to represent.
Our assessment is that a Black Balled MP is by definition UNelectable.
Their duty - in consequence - is to stand down with immediate effect. To not do so would likely attract legal action brought by members of the public within their constituency - the full consequences of such being seen as unlimited.
This is an award of merit and awarded to an MP who has shown - in the matter of the apparant pandemic - to properly represent their constituents and the interests of the UK citizens at large. Their record in parliament over the course of 2020 - coupled with their expressions of opinion outside - have indicated to us that they have serious concerns for the government's evolving strategy and the basis for that strategy. Thus MPs awarded a PINK BALL have suggested to us, by their actions and comments, that they have a desire to uncover the truth behind the related issues of this topic and a determination to hold the government properly to account.